The Corona Borealis Collection
The Corona Borealis collection is inspired by the Corona Borealis, a constellation in the northern sky. Its name means “the northern crown” in Latin. The brightest star in the constellation, Gemma, got its name from the Latin word for “jewel.”
The Arabs know the constellation as “the poor people’s bowl” or Alphecca, which means “broken up.” The name Alphecca was later given to the constellation’s brightest star, Alpha Coronae Borealis.
The Cheyenne called the constellation the Camp Circle because its shape was similar to the way they arranged their camps, in a semi-circle.
In Australia, Corona Borealis is known as Woomera, the Boomerang, and the Welsh associate it with the castle of Lady Arianrhod, the Welsh goddess who gave birth to two sons through magical means.